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Catch 'Em All with MewBot.

Engage Your Discord Community with Mewbot - The Pokemon Bot That Makes It Fun

Ready to add Mewbot to your Discord server? Get started today!

Rated 4 stars
Over 200 happy users

“Much better than the other bots my friends tried on their servers. Much less lag than when we tried...”



Your dedicated pokemon bot.

Join the thousands of server owners who have already chosen Mewbot as their go-to Pokémon bot. The perfect bot to engage you and your friends, increase your server activity and a great way to build your discord community and compete against others!

Your dedicated pokemon bot

Catch pokemon in real-time.

With MewBot, you can host fun Pokémon-themed quizzes and trivia games to keep your community entertained and catch Pokemon in real-time, right inside your Discord server. Never miss out on a Pokemon again!

Catch pokemon in real-time

Customizable commands.

MewBot's commands are completely customizable. Tailor them to your preference and make it even more fun to play.

Customizable commands

"With MewBot, I'm always on top of my Pokemon game. Highly recommended!"


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